Ford unveiled their 2013 model of the
Ford Taurus SHO at the pre-New York Auto Show event and made quite a
spectacle of it. After building suspense amongst the crowd, the model
was uncovered and Ford executives explained the latest and greatest
additions to the new SHO. Train, a famous pop artist, then took the
stage and rocked the Ford party attendants for an hour worth of hits.
Taurus Super High Output enthusiasts are going to have to wait until
spring 2012 to get their hands on the 2013 Ford Taurus SHO, but that
won't stop them from salivating over the recent release. The design,
technology additions and improvement to performance have kicked the 2013
Taurus SHO up a notch to battle with the large sedan powerhouses.
utilized their resources and tapped into their loyal SHO enthusiasts
and forums for guidance on what to put into the latest model to take it
to the next level. "Listening to SHO buyers and enthusiasts encouraged
us to strengthen the design and the driving quality for the new 2013
model," explained Gordon Platto, Chief Designer at Ford. "For us, this
was a clear indication that SHO customers have passionate feelings about
aesthetics and design as well as performance."