class carspot

parley view parsnip... hey ! thats my handicapped parking spot !

Monday around my home...
I use  handicapped parking !
I wish I didn't have to use  it.  I wish my nerves, bones and muscles worked like they should.
I use it because the other parking spaces are usually so tight that getting my door open and trying to get out of the car in under 10 minutes is tough.
I kind of look like 20 circus clowns trying to get out of one very small car.
It is a hoot !
Now I really need it because this year I have taken the "two steps back" and it is easier for me to run my errands if I can park closer. I refuse to be completely house bound.

For some reason people don't understand what that striped lane means.
It doesn't mean woohoo ! more space for me ! So my pretty car doors will not get dinged !
I might give this Canadian a pass.
This was taken last winter and it rained in the valley but snowed in  the mountains, I assume they thought, because of Canadian winters, they would be snowed in and ran to the market to stock up on batteries, water and bread ?
Snow Birds got to love them !

This Arizona car is way over the line.