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Which is Truly the Best Hybrid Car Available Today?

Which is Truly the Best Hybrid Car Available Today
Saving the environment through less gas emissions from cars have been becoming sort of a sacred statement today. More and more people are voicing out their concerns about saving the environment from deadly gas emissions from vehicles and yet are still buying cars. Well, the convenience a car gives is incomparable, but the damage it brings is astounding. That is why Hybrid Cars have become a viable solution in answering the call for convenient and easy modes of transportation and lessening or eradicating air pollution.
Many car manufacturers have seen the potential of hybrid cars and have developed their own versions of this revolutionary vehicle. At the forefront is Toyota and Honda who was the first ones to come up with mass produced hybrid vehicles and has a number of hybrid vehicles in their line up. GM has also come out with their Hybrid vehicles as well as Ford. With many Hybrid vehicles out in the market already, a consumer may wonder which is truly the Best Hybrid car available today?
With the advent of technology and science, more and more gadgets and equipments are being offered today to suit different tastes, styles and preferences. That’s why declaring one to be ultimately the best and perfect for all is quite impossible. This goes the same for cars. Depending on where you will be using the vehicle, what is best for you may not be necessarily be the best for another. But, they could be divided into categories and the best among them could be chosen.
According to recent researches and surveys, here is the recent list on what is considered the “best” by the consumers.
The Best Sedan Hybrid Car distinction was awarded to the latest Honda Civic Hybrid. Improving significantly over its previous model, it has the sleek and sporty look the conventional Civic has and doesn’t announce its being a hybrid. But being its owner, you will certainly feel the difference. You still get the high quality and comfort conventional Civics provides, but you go to gas stations to fill up less.
The Best SUV Hybrid award is given to the first ever SUV Hybrid in the market, the Ford Escape Hybrid. Its inception in the Hybrid market was such a huge success that although it already has competitors from Toyota and Lexus, it still reigns supreme. With many features and accessories plus the power of a small SUV, the Ford Escape is seen to just keeping better and would be hailed as the Majesty of Hybrid SUV’s for many years to come.
Voted for Best Hybrid car in terms of economy in pure fuel is the Honda Insight. Combining its distinctive aerodynamic body design and its lightweight finish plus of course its superb hybrid technology, the Insight produces the best figures in fuel economy.  Although not as multi awarded nor as comfortable and powerful as its stable mate the Civic Hybrid, the Insight is best if you want fuel economy, and with the oil prices still surging upward, this is not a bad idea after all.
But gaining a lot of nod of approval from the Hybrid enthusiasts is the league leading and multi awarded Toyota Prius. Garnering the largest number of votes as the Hybrid vehicle with over all great value, performance and design, this could most probably be the Hybrid car that most likely deserves to be called as the best hybrid car available today.