MIROS crash tests a 23 year old Proton and declares it unsafe.....What a load of crap.

Photo:via cbt.com.my from Miros
There was, putting it bluntly, a really stupid piece of news made by the Malaysia Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) stating that cars that are more than 12 years old are not safe to be on the road. MIROS added that there is a higher risk of death in an accident because such cars could be faulty without the driver being aware of it and that most cars are designed to have a lifespan of five to twelve years. MIROS also stated that cars made more than twelve years ago were also lacking in safety features. This conclusion was derived after a car collision test at the Asean New Car Assessment Programme (ASEAN NCAP) . The test car was done on a...23 year old Proton Saga. 

I have to say that this test and press statement made by MIROS officials are right down stupid. You state that cars older than 12 years of age are unsafe and then test a 23 year old Proton Saga? Hello MIROS, you're testing a car that was designed in the early 1980s. Please note that the Proton Saga, nee Mitsubishi Lancer first came out in 1983 which meant that this was a car designed as early as 1980. This car was definitely designed prior to airbags as standard requirement. 
Anyway, the actual reason why this test is really stupid is the fact that the Proton Saga was sold till 2008 with only a bumper change most of the time. If the Saga from twenty-three years ago suffered from massive damage after hitting something at 64km/h what makes you people at MIROS think that a last batch Proton Saga from 2008 can manage to keep its occupants safe? This test has no bearing on the reason that older cars aren't safe because the test model shows that newer cars aren't safe too.